“We Treat Your Pets Like GOLD”
My wife Lana and our dog Ginger

Our dog grooming shop has been at our home since 2006. We added on to our home to allow my wife to work from home and do what she loves to do–work with dogs. She has many clients that have been with us for years. I use the term “us” because she’s the groomer in Golden Groomers. I’m the person that does a lot of the work in the background. Website and e-mail maintenance are just two of my tasks.
However, that doesn’t mean that I never get involved with working with the dogs. I do that too, when needed. I love “four legged, fur bearin’ critters” as much as my wife does. In fact, it was my suggestion that got her headed in the dog grooming direction. She spent 29 years with K-Mart in department management and was VERY tired of it. We were having discussions as to what she should do for a job since she was looking for a change. The subject of working with animals came up, and we had a friend that was a dog groomer. I suggested she spend a day or two with the lady to see what it was like. My wife did that and was hooked. That was in 2004. Fast forward to 2022 and here we are. We’ve been in business here in the same location for nearly 17 years. We love it.